For a free copy of the Activities of Daily Living Assessment or to give us feedback, complete the form.


This project is all about the development of an Adaptive Functioning Assessment that directly engages students, bypassing the limitations of traditional rating scales completed by parents and teachers. These scales often suffer from low return rates, completion challenges, and potential biases, as parents may not accurately report the level of support they provide. These scales are stuck in the past, not taking into consideration the technology of today or have the inclusion that we should expect in all of our testing and educational materials.

The new assessment involves a nonverbal, interactive approach where students demonstrate their skills through prompts, such as identifying the correct tool for fixing a leaky sink. This method aims to offer a more accurate measure of a student's adaptive skills, helping to ensure that those eligible for special education services receive the necessary support. We have put diversity and inclusion at the top of our priority while making this list. Making sure that the people who take this test, can see themselves represented no matter their background or disability. The assessment can complement or serve as an alternative to existing rating scales.